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Annual Appeal

Our future is BRIGHT because of YOU!

2023 has been an amazing year for us. We couldn’t believe that in 2022, we served a record-breaking 28,000 people in our region. We were hoping for a modest increase in our numbers served this year, but with your support, at the end of October 2023 we were already over 31,000! The increase came from demands for our in-house and mobile programming for students of all ages. Because of  our donors, we were able to keep pace with the demands for our services. We wonder what our final 2023 numbers will be.

What we can be sure about are the accomplishments we have already achieved this year because of supporters like you.

10 AWESOME things that your gift to the Bloomsburg Children’s Museum has done this year:

  • Brought the Department of Defense STEM on the GO! Digital Fabrication lab to our area to run 2 summer camps and 2 community events.
  • Provided 6 no-cost field trips to the Museum for local school districts.
  • Expanded our Mobile Maker program to run in 13 counties.
  • Provided 20 summer camp scholarships.
  • Was named Columbia Montour Chamber of Commerce’s Non-Profit of the Year.
  • Provide all access to Museum passes to clients of the Women’s Center, Gate House, Dwell Orphan Care, and Danville Child Development Center.
  • Sent 12 local students to the State Science Fair.
  • Served over 3000 people at our no-cost community events: Bloomsburg Maker Faire and BloomCON Hak4Kidz
  • Refurbished and expanded our dinosaur dig pit.
  • Collaborated with the Exchange and the Bloomsburg Public Library on a Lego design challenge to have children build what they think Bloomsburg needs.

We could list another 1000 things we’ve done this year with your support! We hope you follow our social media channels and see the news articles and newsletter updates documenting all we are doing in our region BECAUSE OF YOU!

Thank you for considering helping us to continue to grow and serve our community. 


Buys art supplies for the crafts we have in all of our exhibits halls.


Supports our free programs for preschoolers.


Provides an annual membership to a deserving family.


Buys the lumber we need to make Molly’s new enclosure.


Provides a Maker project for 80 students.


Brings a new exhibit to our Greenway! A Pennsylvania native snake.

I’m A Believer!

Please make checks payable to:

The Children’s Museum
2 West 7th Street
Bloomsburg, PA 17815


Click the button below to donate securely online at: